GISSV has once again been recognized as a Digitale Schule (digital school) by the MINT Zukunft schaffen Association.
After we were re-certified as a MINT-freundliche (STEM) school last school year, we have now achieved the same with the second MINT Zukunft seal. So we continue to carry both seals and continue to participate in the huge network with international partners from schools, universities, business, other educational institutions and many other areas. We are proud of the honor and the confirmation that not only our location, but also our daily work reflects a high and meaningful level of digitization.
16 German Schools Abroad were honored on November 24 in an online event as a MINT-freundliche Schule (STEM friendly school) and/or as a Digitale Schule (digital school). The honors were given by the deputy chairman of MINT Zukunft schaffen! Prof. Dr. Hannes Federrath and Dr. Wieland Holfelder from Google Germany. The awards are valid for three years.
Follow the link to read on or watch the video of the ceremony from November 24, 2022 (in German / honoring German Schools Abroad starting at 1:49:10):
The honoring of the MINT-freundliche Schulen is under the patronage of the German Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK), the honoring of the Digitale Schulen is under the patronage of the German Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport, Dr. Volker Wissing.