Recently, GISSV's AI startup project garnered attention on two German-language platforms.
This initiative, which earned us the top prize in last year's DIHK International School Competition, aims to develop an AI startup concept addressing a specific and pressing issue. Employing an interdisciplinary approach, the project integrates elements from three subjects. Students delve into the intricacies of effective business establishment in economics, explore ethical considerations in ethics classes, and gain fundamental insights into machine learning through computer science courses. This year, our focus extends to further integrating AI into this educational framework.
Martin Lentzen, GISSV's Coordinator of Digital Lesson Development and Head of Economics, recently shared insights with Pasch-Net regarding the utilization of AI at GISSV. Additionally, both he and Vice Principal Jenny Jungeblut contributed to the blog. This platform caters to educators and students alike, featuring contributions from esteemed experts like Prof. Uta Hauck-Thum and Prof. Birgit Eickelmann.
In their blog post, Ms. Jungeblut underscores the importance of fostering a positive culture of learning from mistakes ("Fail Early and Often"), coupled with formative feedback loops embedded within our contemporary examination formats. These strategies empower our students to continually adapt their approach and achieve success. Through the blog, Lentzen and Jungeblut detail how we implement these principles at the German International School of Silicon Valley.