Preschool-12 Dual Language Education in
Two Locations in the Bay Area

Math Marathon Night: Lange Nacht der Mathematik

Math Marathon Night: Lange Nacht der Mathematik

Students of classes 9 - 12 took part in the Lange Nacht der Mathematik for the very first time at GISSV last Friday.

319 German schools/12,812 students participated - mainly from Schleswig-Holstein, but also from other federal states and schools abroad such as the German International School Boston, German School Lisbon, German School La Paz, and the German School Tingleff.

GISSV's 71 attending students formed 19 teams and worked on math tasks throughout 2-3 rounds during the event from 8am -11pm (in Germany: 5pm - 8am).

Congratulations to the teams from grade 11/12: They made it seconds before 11pm into round 3. A great success! Only about 11% of all teams managed to do that this year. 

Our students from grade 9/10 made it into the second round and here about half of the tasks. Also a great achievement!

Organizers Sebastian Berk, Kathrin Roeschel, and Michael Koppitz had great fun working on the tasks together with the students and "to crack" more of the really interesting but extremely difficult "riddles" hour after hour - about knots, climate and cows. ;-)"