Preschool-12 Dual Language Education in
Two Locations in the Bay Area

Online Reading with Youth Author Katja Brandis

Online Reading with Youth Author Katja Brandis

The German bestselling author read from her home in Bavaria for our middle school students in Mountain View and San Francisco. Reading encouragement at its best!

Katja Brandis has sold almost 3 million books so far, and there is even a movie in the making based on her bestselling series "Woodwalkers."

The students were highly engaged throughout the session and asked many thoughtful questions. One of the highlights was one of our 6th-graders who initiated the event, as he considers himself to be her biggest fan in California!

We were excited to see the tremendous demand for her books at our school library following the event. Thank you, Katja Brandis, for inspiring our students and sharing your love for reading and writing with us!

Text and photos by Tanja Zimmermann, Head of Middle School
