On Wednesday morning, Mira K.. from 10th grade and Dash D. from 11th grade, alongside their teacher, Jenny Jungeblut, took the stage.
Their presentation titled "Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century: Harnessing the Potential of AI with Deeper Learning" (Der Herausforderung des 21. Jahrhunderts begegnen: Mit Deeper Learning das Potenzial von KI nutzen) captivated an audience of keen professionals and educators.
The Vocatium Conference in Münster, themed "Sparking Interest in STEM Careers" ("MINTeresse wecken - Impulse für die Berufsorientierung"), provided an ideal platform for our students to present their innovative ideas and solutions.
Congratulations to Mira K., Dash D., and Ms. Jungeblut for their outstanding achievement and for representing our school with excellence!