Preschool-12 Dual Language Education in
Two Locations in the Bay Area

Walk-a-Thon 2022

Walk-a-Thon 2022

GISSV students from Preschool to High School laced up their sneakers to raise money for a good cause.

Organized by GISSV's student body presidents and teachers, we had our first Walk-a-Thon in three years!

The donations will benefit the Kids In Need Foundation, an organization providing students and teachers in under-resourced schools with supplies, and UNICEF, supporting children and families in Ukraine with humanitarian aid. 

Our San Francisco Kibili and Elementary School students went on the field next to the campus for the very first San Francisco Walk-a-Thon, while the middle schoolers went to Mountain View to join their peers for the event there. (See videos below)

Thank you to the Student Council, their liaison teachers Frau Schloetter and Frau Rauer in Mountain View and organizing teachers in San Francisco, as well as all the dedicated parent volunteers for making this event happen - and to all the sponsors for donating!


San Francisco Campus:

Video Credit: Alex Troy


Mountain View Campus:

Video Credit: Max Sch./Grade 11 (drone), Emma Z./Grade 12, and Katja Koehler


Message of Peace and Hope

Initiated by our Interact Club GISSV's students, teachers/staff and parents came together on this day to form peace signs on both our campuses - like many German International Schools worldwide - to send a message of peace and hope. 

Photo Credit:  MV: Max Sch./11th grade  |  SF: Alex Troy