Our GISSV Mountain View Walk-a-Thon on Friday, March 30 was a huge success (and it was a fantastic prelude to our Spring Break)!
After days and months of rain, the weather was perfect for students from preschool to high school to run and walk for a good cause. Our San Francisco middle schoolers even joined their peers in Mountain View. Meanwhile, our Kibili and elementary school students in San Francisco will have their event on our San Francisco Campus in May.
This year's event, organized by our Student Council (SV), aims to benefit the Turkey-Syria earthquake relief via Unicef and the homelessness charity Hope's Corner, as well as fund future student body events. Donations are still welcome and can be made at https://app.99pledges.com/fund/GISSVWalkathon2023
Before the start, all classes from Kibili to high school gathered on the field for a group photo, led by the Interact Club. We want to give a huge shoutout to students Toshi and Anton (Student Council), their liaison teachers Frau Schloetter and Herr von Reppert, and all the dedicated teachers, admin, seniors, and parent volunteers who made the event possible. And of course, we can't forget the runners/walkers and sponsors who supported us! Thank you all for making this event a success!
Note from Student Body Presidents Toshi and Anton:
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for all of your support!
The Walk-a-Thon event itself was a great success, with GISSV students from grades K-12 and both campuses coming together to walk and run laps on a wonderful spring day. Parents and high school volunteers, as well as the maintenance staff, organized refreshing snacks, energetic music, and amusing games throughout the entire fundraiser. The spirited atmosphere was matched only by the vibrant colors of the brand new Walk-a-Thon t-shirts handed out before the event, mainly thanks to the diligent efforts of the student body liaison teachers.
If you have not yet donated, please consider doing so soon! The donation deadline is only a few weeks away and we have almost reached one half of our very ambitious $45,000 goal!
Every donation made will go directly to help those suffering from natural disasters and poverty, locally and abroad.
Thank you again so much for all of your donations and support!
Photo and video credit: students Max Sch. and Anton L.; teachers, and parent volunteers