Preschool-12 Dual Language Education in
Two Locations in the Bay Area

Financial Aid

It is our belief at GISSV that there can be no excellence in education without all types of diversity, including socio-economic diversity. Teaching children to respect and appreciate the beliefs, values, and histories of all individuals is as necessary for success in our world as is a solid grounding in science, math and language.

Qualifying for Financial Aid

When determining if your family should apply for aid, please look at all personal resources for meeting costs first. We anticipate that this will involve some degree of sacrifice. We ask that you give careful thought to the maximum amount of tuition which you can reasonably pay. If all available resources, including extended family, are still not enough to meet tuition costs, then the family may qualify for aid. There are no absolute guidelines by which you can determine your own eligibility, because each case is unique.




Need-Based Scholarships

Families can apply for financial aid for students entering grades K through 12. GISSV uses professional third party professionals in the field of tuition assistance to assess  household income/assets and each family’s ability to pay for education. The school makes every effort to meet the demonstrated need of all admitted or enrolled financial aid applicants; however, resources are not always sufficient.

We encourage all families to apply; however, we cannot guarantee that each request will be fulfilled or that it can be fulfilled at the level requested.

Due to the large number of families applying for financial assistance and the limited timeframe within which awards are to be made, it is critical that all documents be submitted according to the prescribed deadlines for returning and new students. Requests after the deadline will not be considered for financial aid.

Please note that currently enrolled families are required to be up-to-date on their tuition payments in order to be eligible for financial aid.

The school notifies applicants of financial aid decisions before expecting a binding reply to the offer of enrollment.

All information provided during the financial aid process is kept in strict confidence.

Please note that qualifying families are not eligible for other rebates or discounts that the school offers. New students have to submit a school application before their financial aid application can be considered

To Apply for Financial Aid

Important Dates

Our next financial aid application period is for the 2025-2026 school year. To be eligible for consideration, you must complete your Parents' Financial Statement (PFS) by March 1, 2025. We will communicate award decisions by April 30, 2025. Please also be aware that in order for the school to process financial aid applications, the school must receive all required enrollment documents beforehand.

Complete Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS)

You only have to complete one Parents' Financial

Statement, even if you are applying for several children.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the "Login" button.
  3. You will set up a PFS Online account using your email address and a password. Returning parents: If you completed an online PFS application last year, use your e-mail address and existing password.
  4. Submit and pay for the PFS ($55). This fee is nonrefundable.
  5. Additional Required Documents
    a) A copy of 2024 W2s
    b) A copy of your filed 2024 federal taxes

  6. In addition to your completed Parents' Financial Statement, you need to submit the following documents to the SSS website:

  7. A copy of 2024 W2s
  8. A copy of your filed 2023 federal taxes
  9. We must receive these documents by March 1, 2025.

    You can upload these documents as a PDF or a jpg file on the "Manage Documents" tab in PFS Online.

    Please feel free to call the SSS Customer Service at (800) 344-8328 with any questions (M-F: 9 am - 8 pm EST., Sat: 9 am - 4 pm EST).