Preschool-12 Dual Language Education in
Two Locations in the Bay Area


Events are a great part of school life, bringing together all members of the GISSV community, and giving us an opportunity to celebrate and engage in conversations.

Among our recurring annual public events are a German Holiday Market, where we transform Downtown Mountain View into a bustling “holiday village” for a day, or the Laternenfest (Lantern Festival) on our San Francisco Campus with on-campus entertainment and a lantern parade through the neighborhood.

Campus events for the GISSV community celebrate American as well as German holidays, sportsmanship (Walk-a-Thon, soccer matches with schools in the Bay Area), music (talent show, concerts), community (Summer Fest, Gala) and more.






SF Laternenfest


German Holiday Market




German Holiday Market - Weihnachtsmarkt

Thousands of people celebrate an authentic German Holiday Market with us annually. GISSV can proudly say it has established the cherished "Weihnachtsmarkt" tradition in the Bay Area.

SF Laternenfest
(Lantern Parade)

The annual GISSV San Francisco Lantern Festival is a fun family event including German food & drinks and a lantern parade.

GISSV Gala & Auction

Our GISSV Gala & Auction is a community building and fundraising event to help raise funds for a dedicated cause.




HPI Lecture Series

From 2020-2022 GISSV was partnering with the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) and created this digital lecture series called Learn · Design · Innovate.

All GISSV High School students, along with students from other German Schools Abroad in North America, took part in the lecture series. We extended a warm invitation to interested parents and staff due to the event's enriching content.

>>> Read on and see the presentations