Transitioning into a bilingual program coming from a traditional American school and an English-speaking household was not easy. On the part of GISSV, the nurturing environment and small class sizes undoubtedly went a long way in my bridging my transition. The same elements of my school experience which stood out during my transition were also the parts of GISSV I came to appreciate most as I continued on. I am so grateful for the individualized attention I received all the way until graduation. The teachers I had the privilege of encountering at GISSV were invested in my learning and passionate about what they taught. When I entered university in the United States I had a distinct advantage over many of my peers, seeing as I had not only a firm foundation in the sciences, but also an enthusiasm instilled by my instructors at GISSV.
I attended GISSV from 4th through 12th grade, as a native English speaker with no German background. Currently I am a Junior at Tufts University in MA studying Chemistry, and am employed by my school both as an undergraduate researcher in an organic chemistry laboratory, as well as a Head Tutor for general chemistry. I believe that I owe a good part of the success I have attained today to my time at GISSV.